Welcome to your Junior Tiger News.

Well, can you believe it, it’s already August and we’re well and truly making our way through the 2022 season. There’s a lot going on in August for our Tigers so we thought we would give everyone an update on what’s coming up in the calendar.


You can find a link to the upcoming fixtures here.

This is a direct link from Rugby Xplorer with the most up-to-date game times and locations. We recommend checking with your team manager the morning of your game to ensure you have the correct information as our Junior games are subject to late changes.


The season has been extended for all our juniors as a result of the heavy rain and subsequent game cancellations earlier in the year. Under 6 – Under 9’s are extended unitl 27th of August, and Under 10 – Under 12’s until 21st of August.


We thank all our Tiger families for all your efforts to sell the raffle tickets, with some great prizes up for grabs. We’d like to share with you that all tickets are due back to Easts by Friday 26th August. This date has now been extended in line with the season extension.

Tickets will be drawn on Saturday 27th August @ 5pm.


The last of our team photos are on this Friday. We ask that all of our Tigers meet at the bottom of the stairs at the back of the clubhouse. We ask that all Juniors present with shirts tucked in and their socks pulled up. Photos from all teams will be handed out at the end of the season on our Presentation Day, Sunday 9th of October. More details to come on this exciting event but please pop it in the calendar for now.


We will be having another Ben Mowen Junior Holiday Camp during the school holidays. It’s been a real highlight of the holidays for many of our Juniors so be sure to secure your place asap. You’ll have the option for either a half-day or a full day so be sure to keep an eye out for when tickets go on sale.

For more information or to reserve your place, click here

We wish everyone a happy end to the season. For any queries, feel free to reach out to Leticia at [email protected]


Peter “Spider” McLean…Easts and Queensland Legend From The Family Dynasty Honoured By The McLean Stand
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